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Policy Lessons from the Official Monster Raving Loony Party

Not long ago, I heard a Tory grandee giving a speech in support of a political rookie. As the occasion demanded, he offered some advice. Life in politics would be hard, he warned, but success was possible: just look at Screaming Lord Sutch and the Officia

logo.png  By NB  Nov 24, 2023

Inflation puts US Black Friday crowds in a bargain-hunting mood

Fatigue at higher prices is expected to push more shoppers to chase early holiday season discounts

logo.png  By NB  Nov 24, 2023

Falling inflation might not dent gold’s rally

Precious metal can gain even if the US economy heads to a soft landing

logo.png  By NB  Nov 23, 2023

How do the wealthy take a hatchet to their personal spending?

Belt-tightening is now the norm among the top 1 per cent — and even some of the super-rich are now having to cut back

logo.png  By NB  Nov 22, 2023