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Renewable energy surge of 50% driven by China, IEA says

Tripling of green energy by 2030 within reaching distance, energy watchdog reports

logo.png  By NB  Jan 12, 2024

Cautionary Tales – DANGER: Rocks Ahead! (Classic)

Torrey Canyon was one of the biggest and best ships in the world – but its captain and crew still needlessly steered it towards a deadly reef known as The Seven Stones. This course seemed like madness. But the type of thinking that resulted in such

logo.png  By NB  Jan 6, 2024

What can investors expect from 2024?

After a surprise surge in shares in recent weeks, there is uncertainty ahead in the next year

logo.png  By NB  Jan 6, 2024

Buckle up — the inflation battle is entering a new phase

The US, UK and eurozone are on course to declare victory this year but difficult trade-offs await

logo.png  By NB  Jan 4, 2024