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Supply chains: when the chips are down

Teaching case study: what US-China tensions mean for technology companies

logo.png  By NB  Feb 12, 2024

The planet’s got 99 problems, but exponential growth isn’t one

If Christmas is (alas) a time for a materialist blowout, January is often a time for rueful reflection. Should we really have bought all that soon-to-be-landfill for each other? The answer, as I have written a dozen times, is . . . probably not. Thankfull

logo.png  By NB  Feb 9, 2024

Rising noise levels in markets test investors

In a volatile year, staying invested will matter as events could turn quickly

logo.png  By NB  Feb 7, 2024

Traders abandon hopes of March interest rate cut but keep betting against Fed

US central bank chair sees three reductions in 2024 while markets price in five

logo.png  By NB  Feb 7, 2024