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What the birth of the spreadsheet teaches us about generative AI

When the spreadsheet launched in 1979, it was a bewildering piece of software. People had no idea what they were looking at. A computer screen, filled with a grid of numbers? As Keith Houston explains in his new history of the pocket calculator, Empire of

logo.png  By NB  Mar 8, 2024

Foreign investors are right to see China as a trade more than a long-term bet

Country faces clear and present danger of falling into middle-income trap

logo.png  By NB  Mar 6, 2024

Cautionary Tales – Buried Evil: V2 Rocket (Part 3)

As US troops approached a prison camp in Nazi Germany, they could hear agonized wailing. The stench of rotting flesh filled their nostrils. Moments later they discovered a pile of smoldering corpses, alongside emaciated survivors. Next to the concentratio

logo.png  By NB  Mar 2, 2024

Of top-notch algorithms and zoned-out humans

On June 1 2009, Air France Flight 447 vanished on a routine transatlantic flight. The circumstances were mysterious until the black box flight recorder was recovered nearly two years later, and the awful truth became apparent: three highly trained pilots

logo.png  By NB  Mar 1, 2024