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EU faces decline without market reform, report warns  

Former Italian premier Enrico Letta was asked by European leaders to report on state of single market

logo.png  By NB  Apr 16, 2024

Gold is back — and it has a message for us

The precious metal’s surge may herald a whole new world

logo.png  By NB  Apr 16, 2024

Why Swifties, holidaymakers and the hygienic should cheer for surge pricing

The “Wendy’s Dave’s Triple” is a fast-food offering that stacks two possessives and three hamburgers. I am not sure how easy it is to swallow in either regard, but what has really been sticking in people’s throats is the prospect of surge pricing at the W

logo.png  By NB  Apr 13, 2024

Cautionary Tales – the Rise and Fall of a Megalomaniac

Nicolae Ceaușescu was not beloved. His regime was vicious and he treated Romania as his personal wallet: while Ceaușescu emptied the coffers to construct a vast, ornate palace, his people starved. He imposed disastrous population control policies on his c

logo.png  By NB  Apr 13, 2024