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Cautionary Conversations – The Conspiracy Theorist Who Changed His Mind

The Cautionary Tales Halloween special is coming next week; while you wait, the wonderful David McRaney talks to me about his new book How Minds Change (UK AMZ BKSHP) (US AMZ BKSHP), and the conspiracy theorist who changed his mind.

logo.png  By NB  Oct 21, 2022

How much money will actually make you happy?

When I was a student, a friend of mine fantasised about earning £100 a day. It felt like an incomprehensibly large sum of money; he simply could not conceive of spending enough to exhaust such riches. This was almost 30 years ago — the equivalent fantasy

logo.png  By NB  Oct 21, 2022

Investing to beat the inflation monster

Look for value in unloved sectors such as carmaking

logo.png  By NB  Oct 21, 2022

Did China miss its chance to fix its economy?

China correspondent Edward White explains why this has happened and whether or not it's too late for Xi Jinping to make the changes necessary to put the country on a path to strong growth again

logo.png  By NB  Oct 19, 2022