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Cautionary Tales – The man who played with hurricanes

Today, the idea of controlling the weather is controversial. Scientists who research geoengineering have even received death threats. But once upon a time, people were optimistic about remaking the climate in entire regions of the world. They approached t

logo.png  By NB  Jul 7, 2023

What neo-Luddites get right – and wrong – about Big Tech

Say what you like about Lord Byron, he knew how to turn a phrase. Here he is, speaking in the House of Lords in 1812. His topic is the foolishness of the factory-storming, machine-breaking Luddites: “The rejected workmen, in the blindness of their ignoran

logo.png  By NB  Jul 7, 2023

Will ChatGPT be Homer Simpson’s salvation?

Imagine a person whose desire for the easy life is stronger than their sense of ethics. And imagine that this person gets hold of a cutting-edge computer app that can produce fast answers to hard questions. Then imagine that person is given a hard questio

logo.png  By NB  Jul 7, 2023

What an amusement park can teach us about central banks

To Tivoli Gardens in the heart of Copenhagen, one of the world’s oldest amusement parks. It was founded 180 years ago, and its creator George Carstensen secured the land by petitioning King Christian VIII, arguing, “When the people are amusing themselves,

logo.png  By NB  Jul 7, 2023