Finance News

Unlocking Succession Gridlock

Advisory firm owners agree they should have a succession plan, but most don’t have one. Why?

logo.png  By NB  Jul 11, 2023

The ABCs of a Successful Acquisition

What’s the one essential factor in the successful acquisition of an advisory firm or practice? Susie McEuen knows.

logo.png  By NB  Jul 11, 2023

Five Considerations When Planning for Artists and Collectors

Valuable artworks require specialized attention to ensure that they're safely transferred to the next generation.

logo.png  By NB  Jul 11, 2023

Keeping It in the Family: Planning for the Vacation Home

As with all things money and family, it can be a struggle to balance financial and personal goals with avoiding hard feelings and disputes.

logo.png  By NB  Jul 11, 2023