Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg Sells $428 Million of Facebook Meta Shares in November & December 2023, Mark Zuckerberg Age 39 with $126 Billion Fortune Holds 13% of Meta Shareholding, Mark Zuckerberg & Wife Priscilla Chan Pledged to Give 99% of Weal
China Largest Tea-Makers File for Hong Kong IPO: Ice-Cream & Iced Tea Mixue Group to Raise $500 Million to $1 Billion, Milk Tea Good Me Guming Holdings to Raise $300 Million to $500 Million 5th January 2024 | Hong Kong China largest tea-makers
Tencent-Backed Robot-Maker UBTech Robotics IPO in Hong Kong with $4.8 Billion Market Value on 29th December 2023, Founder James Zhou Jian Becomes Billionaire 5th January 2024 | Hong Kong Tencent-backed robot-maker UBTech Robotics has IPO (29/12/23)
In her new role as FPA president, advisor Claudia Cypher Kane will push for title protection for financial planners.